Take a moment with you inner self.
Writing exercises & journals.
"Life is full of people,
who never learn to know;
your depth
your goodness
your innermost.
Take care of,
that you are not one of them."
Great that you found here; to stop by yourself and deepen the relationship with your inner self through writing and body awareness - this combination that caresses the mind and body.
With the help of writing exercises, fillable journals and body awareness exercises, you stop every day to be present to the most important person in your life; to yourself.
You build a relationship with your inner self. You will add gratitude to your life. You learn to listen to your own voice. You consciously create an ark e a that excites and inspires.
You calm down to be present and notice the beauty of the fleeting moment.
You treat yourself with tenderness. You are drowning in goodness. And you will re-energise life.
Get inspired. <3
In the blog, you will find ideas related to writing, presence, body awareness, creativity and building an inspiring everyday life. I hope you find here ideas and new ways to take care of your well-being and get inspired to write.
With gentle words, my soul.
Love intact, and drown with goodness. Strip off all the shells accumulated during life one by one. Break them into pieces you won't go back to. Behind which you no longer hide. With gentle words, my soul. Let gratitude heal the sore spots. Probe gently. Search with curiosity. Assemble patiently. Dream recklessly.
And love endlessly. That you would no longer waste; your most important, your most important, yourself.
Love you whole.
"Love yourself so whole,
that everything else is commercial.
and borrow
the repayment of which is fine.
Love so whole
that giving up doesn't take
with him
your most important,
most importantly,
yourself. <3